Thursday, March 13, 2014

Alleviate Your Allergies With These Simple Tips

By Suzanne Herrman

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, you are definitely not alone. In the United States, it is estimated that about 20 percent of the population suffers from asthma or allergies of some kind. One way to reduce the sneezing, wheezing, sore throats and sniffling is to reduce the allergens in your home.

Obviously, it's difficult to do anything about the copious amounts of allergens that exist outdoors, but you can do a lot to control the amount of these toxins that enter your home. One easy way to remove huge amounts of dust, dust mites, pollen, dirt, mold, fungi and even viruses is to call a trusted carpet cleaner in Baton Rouge. A deep carpet cleaning can remove much of these irritants, and it is wise to schedule this service at least twice each year.

A Denham Springs carpet cleaning service, Baton Rouge carpet cleaners or perhaps a Prairieville carpet cleaning service also might offer other helpful services. You might consider adding on rug cleaning, upholstery cleaning and even mattress cleaning, as this will help remove a great deal of dust and dirt. In addition, ask about air duct cleaning, which also can reduce the allergens that float around your house and become embedded in carpeting and fabric.

After the deep cleaning services, proper maintenance can reduce the build-up of allergens. Investing in a high-quality vacuum cleaner is an excellent idea, and make sure it has a HEPA filter to lock in debris. You also need to vacuum every week, making sure to vacuum under tables and furniture and in the wall corners and edges. Damp clean all of your other flooring such as tile or wood. Use a damp rag to dust all of the surfaces of your home, as well, as this will trap dust rather than just blowing it around. Wear a dust mask when you clean to keep irritants out of your nose and mouth.

Removing your shoes and carefully wiping your pets' feet also reduces the amount of dirt and toxins that make their way into your home. During peak allergy season, consider keeping your windows closed and running your air conditioner to limit the amount of pollen that gets into your house. Also be sure to replace or clean the air filter in your home every few months.

People's allergies often are worse at night and while sleeping, so take extra care to reduce allergens in your bedroom. Wash all of your bedding every week to remove dirt, dust and dust mites. Cover pillows and your mattress with special covers designed to ward off dust mites. Think about buying an air filter for your bedroom, turn it on and keep the door closed to keep dust from other parts of the house away from this room. Dust and vacuum this room often, perhaps twice each week.

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